What Are Your Top Tips For Dealing With PCOS In The Heat?
Water Water Water💧Avoid sugary drinks, it’s so tempting especially during the summer! Avoid alcohol, drinking can further aggravate our imbalance and as a result, our PCOS symptoms may get worse. I live in Las Vegas and I try to stay indoors. I always have a water bottle next to me. If I get up, it goes with me. So dealing with PCOS in the heat, the answer for me will always be Water 🩵
Drinking water, avoiding sugar and alcohol and getting as much rest as you can. I take a spare tip when I go out, as excess sweating is one of my symptoms. When it’s hot, switch to bb cream and waterproof mascara, as it’s gentler on your skin and please always wear sun cream. I like to put ice cubes in front of a fan to cool the room when I’m preparing for sleep, and cool showers help a lot.
I also like drinking the LMNT salt packets (electrolyte salt drink). I put one in my water bottle every morning (especially because I also have POTS so I have a higher salt requirement per day) but I do find the added electrolytes and water help with a lot of other symptoms!
I take 2 individual servings of electrolyte drinks a day. I also eat more plants.
I used strong painkillers that I get on prescription from my doctors and keeping a fan going.
Treatment Options?
Does Anyone Experience Extreme Bouts Of Bloating When They Eat?