Does Anyone Else Have Extremely LOW Cortisone/cortisol Levels? Or Know Anyone That Does And How To Help It?
I have more tests to be done (like 24hr urine test for cortisol) because my first urine test came back with almost nothing as far as a cortisone and cortisol curve…worried I might have Addisons or some kind of adrenal insufficiency that could require supplementation with steroids :( I’d love to hear if anyone has any advice or experience with this! Thank you!!
Does Anyone Have Any Advice On Super Low Cortisol Levels??
Need Help To Find A Gyn/endocrinologist Doctor In Or Around College Park, MD Area With PCOS And Endometriosis Expertise
Anyone Have Advice Or Know Anyone With Low Cortisol And/or Addison’s Disease/adrenal Insufficiency?