Question About Glumetza (metformin) And Supplement Interactions
I've read that Glumetza can interact with magnesium and ginseng. I've been taking magnesium and ginseng at my naturopath's direction, however I am starting Glumetza soon (as per my endocrinologist) and don't want to have a reaction. Does anybody know how long magnesium and ginseng stay in your system? Should I stop taking them for a period of time before starting the glumetza?
How Do You Start Changing?
I feel like I’ve fallen so far into the PCOS hole that I don’t know how to scratch my way out of it, doctors don’t want to talk to me about it until I lose weight which feels next to impossible. I’ve tried Metformin, It makes me so sick even after 2 months on it and I can’t use birth control Because it’s not safe medically for me so I feel like I’ve just been written off and don’t know where to start and some days I just feel so hopeless and like I’m just stuck like this. I also have doctors… read more