What Is The Best Diet For Weight Loss With PCOS (Insulin Resistance) ? Please Comment With The Type Of Diet And Success
This question has probably been asked before, but I need to know which diet you found to best for PCOS weight-loss (insulin resistance).
I also want to make it a lifestyle change, and not a fad or quick fix.
There are so many options, how do I know what will work best; Low-amylose, paleo, keto, low carb, vegeterian, raw, intermittent fasting?????
@A myPCOSteam Member hello there. I just bought a book today. It is the Insulin resistance Diet Plan and cookbook. It is aimed to help lose weight, manage PCOS and prevent prediabetes, the author is Tara Spencer
Our PCOS bodies compensate for the insulin resistance by making more insulin which causes our ovaries to make more testosterone. The best diet is a low carb diet but I've also had to cut out gluten and dairy. This lowers the blood sugar so we can make less insulin and our ovaries then make less testosterone and can function properly. Exercise also lowers testosterone which is why it's so important for women with PCOS to do it regularly. Hope this helps clarify things a little.
Just clean.
Don't eat wheat ( Wheat belly diet has some other options) My diet basically consists of eggs, meat, high fat, lots of veggies and fruit with low glycemic index. No dairy ( or very limited- sometimes cottage cheese) and 2-3 L of water every day.
Hey @A myPCOSteam Member, I did. Thirty lbs. the minute I go off I'm up in weight, bloated and achy. My periods have become less heavy and my moods are normal again.
For breakfast I usually make almond meal porridge with a 1/2 cup or less of fruit like blueberry, raspberry or apple chunks plus a boiled egg. If I have more time, like on a day off, I will make an egg scramble with onion, bell pepper, and spinach plus a side of sausage. My lunch is usually left over from dinner the night before so that would be salmon, chicken or steak with a sautéed veggie like green beans or asparagus and about 1/3 or 1/2 cup sweet potato. I sometimes substitute the sweet potato with black rice or wild rice. I started changing what I eat by doing a 30 day PCOS diet challenge that I saw online. It was really helpful because it provided the shopping list and recipes to go along with the meal plans. I'd recommend doing something like that to start out especially if the PCOS diet is drastically different than what you would usually eat.
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