How Did You Know You Were Pregnant?
I’ve lost about 20 in the last year I went from 182 to 160. I went from having no period for a whole year from pcos to starting to kinda sorta have a pattern. In December I had 2 periods in one month they were a week apart. But January came along and AF was right on time. My boyfriend and I do have unprotected sex but we aren’t trying. About 7 days before my expected period for February I had a sharp cramp on my left side that lasted ALL day and night! Which never happenes. And ever since then… read more
The dollar store has pee sticks. Buy a whole bunch and use them whenever you're wondering. At the pharmacy they're much more expensive for the same test, but with a slightly prettier stick to pee on. The pee tests don't show positive immediately - the hCG has to build up in your blood enough to be peed out in an amount that the test can detect - but your stress is worth it. Pee on one every few weeks, or any time you're worrying. I don't even know how many I went through (15 or 20) in the year I thought I wanted to have a second child but never got a can get pregnant before a period.
My only symptom in early pregnancy was one sided crampy lower abdominal pain that started about a week before the pee stick showed positive. It was as bad as my worst period ever, kept me from standing up straight for about a month, but eventually faded. I wasn't diagnosed then, got pregnant less than a year after going off birth control so no one questioned anything.
If you're having unprotected sex then you need to act like you're trying to get pregnant - take a prenatal vitamin daily (generic is great), don't even think about drugs or about drinking more than a little (it's the alcohol binges before you know you're pregnant that toast the baby, not a sip or even a single drink late in pregnancy when everyone's judging you), and find out if any vaccines need updating. I needed tetanus and I forget what else. Then if you get pregnant, or if (God forbid) there was ever a problem with the baby, you can make decisions without any additional pressure or guilt. Wishing you less stress!!
I totally understand ya nerves Hun but best way to find out is pee on a stick 👍🏼 Good luck for whatever result your hoping for and keep us updated xx
I’m just so nervous! I think I’ll get a test tonight take it in the morning
if your late then yes u take a pregnancy test! xx
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How Did You Know You Were Pregnant While Having PCOS?