Does Anyone Have Any Alternatives/recommendations For Body Wash/soap That Doesn't Have Chemicals Which Can Affect Your Hormones?
Hey everyone! I'm slowly but surely trying to replace the endocrine disruptors at my home. They're in some many everyday products that we use. I'm thinking about starting with soap/body wash. Does anyone have any recommendations/alternatives?
I have been using Native for deodorant, I use Philosophy or Native for body wash.
A load of information, but much needed information! I've been wanting to make my own deodorant for years, I think it's time after your message. Thanks for the tips & suggestions! Thanks everyone as well!
I started this jorney a couple years ago and am still learning :)
It has truly helped my skin with rosacea flare ups, my cheonic headaches, my period. I first started using brands from the stores, which showed up as nontoxic on the “Yuka” app. The app can scan any foods or beauty products. This is a great way to get a feel for what is classified as “nontoxic” and “toxic”. The app will show you what toxic chemicals are in the items. It will scale them from 0 (bad) to 100 (great). Another app I used was called “Think Dirty”. This app was able to scan all home cleaning products. It performed the same as Yuka. One year into my health jorney, I have started to make my own items. I encourage to start small, do not oberload your brain. I started making my own products for a couple reasons. First, I actually know that it is nontoxic. The Apps i listed are great resources, but can still be inaccurate. Second, I found it was so muxh cheaper to make my own products instead of buying “nontoxic” store brands- that most the time are not nontoxic.
A couple recommendations:
I use castille soap for hand soap, body wash, and shampoo. All you do is dilute the castille soap in some water (in a foam jar). I always add essential oils in mine as well to make it smell nice. Plus tea tree oil is great for hair! It is natural and nontoxic. So not only can you use it on your floors, but you can use it on your face and Hair!
I make a natural lotion with 1 part shae butter (100%shae butter) and 1 part coconut oil (refined). I add essential oils for scent. :)
I make a homeade toothpaste with baking soda, coconut oil (extra virgin refined), Himalayan Sea Salt, and peppermint essential oil. I can always give you the direct recipe if you would like it.
These are juat a few that I do. I also make laundry soap, Face Wash, Deoderant, and Face Toner.
I know this is alot 😭😂, but I hope this gets you started. 🤗
I've loved my bar soap from Lume! They're more known for their deodorant, but I'm in love with their lavender scent soap.
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